Jottings on HEXFET power amplifiers
Hi all, HEXFETs are quite popular with hams as HF linear stages . I too attempted to make some linear amps with them and that too with pretty promising results . Here is the outcome . The first FET that I tried was a IRF540 . The circuit used is given below . I had to place some component in TINA as a choke , so I put a 1m choke . In reality , I used a torroid with some 20 winding . I could pull some 2~3W into a 50 ohm dummy load ( which I used as a termination in front of the CRO ) at 1MHz , but at higher freq , power output dropped drastically . The power calculation was carried on the basis of the voltage that I measured across 50 ohm load . The voltage peak to peak was 40V . So that gives me around 2W power . Next , I'm gonna try IRF530 , IRF610 etc