Sunday, April 19, 2015

Lab / Shack PC running Linux !

As I mentioned in my previous post , my shack PC was QRT due to a HDD failure . Even though I didn't replace its 160GB HDD , I can use it without much trouble , running Linux , Xubuntu to be precise . I installed Ubuntu 14.04 with Xubuntu desktop and now it works very well , even though it throws some errors here and there ! It is now armed with a variety of tools ( software) . The major software are

  1. GQRX :-a nice software for SDR operations , can be installed from terminal as " sudo apt-get install gqrx " or from software center
  2. Python :- for small programming exercises , can be installed from terminal as " sudo apt-get install python " or from software center
  3. rtl_power :- a powerful utility to make wideband spectrum observations with RTLSDR
  4. RTLSDR - scanner :- an extremely powerful tool for RF engineering , I downloaded it yesterday and am thinking of its possible uses , ranging from filter design to amplifier testing to radio astronomy . It can be downloaded from " " as a zip file , change directory to src in the extracted file and run " python" from the terminal 
  5. Arduino IDE :- you know what it is used for ! 
  6. GNOME Predict : A highly useful software to make satellite pass predictions .

I'm also going to install some circuit simulation tools like QUCS in the near future . And of course , Ubuntu terminal rocks !