Testing an Aliexpress 5.6m telescopic HF vertical antenna

I've been searching for an easy to deploy HF vertical for quite some time. Although I have a SOTABEAMS 20/40 linked dipole, it is cumbersome to deploy, with the end result being almost always a rat's nest of wires. My MFJ1899T loaded vertical, although convenient, is after all a compromise antenna. My search led me to this antenna, something that costs about 50AUD, shipping included. For such a low price, one cannot be wrong ! I promptly purchased it and left it in my car boot.

On January 27th 2025 evening, I finally decided to test it. I loaded my car with QDX and FT817ND along with a few accessories, and drove to South Perth foreshore. The location is perfect to test a vertical antenna, and also has the same gridsquare as my QTH. Also proximity to Swan river may improve the performance of a vertical antenna. From "touchdown" to key up, it took me about 10 minutes, of which a substantial amount of time was spent fixing a broken Anderson power pole contact. I chose 20m as the operating band. Tuning the antenna was quite easy with nanoVNA, although I had a use a short pigtail to connect the VNA to the antenna. I intend to homebrew a simple BNC jig that would help me calibrate the VNA at the cable end in field conditions. The final lineup was laptop -> QDX -> homebrew SWR meter -> antenna. No tuner was used or required. The deployment can be seen in Figs 1,2 and 3.

Fig.1. The antenna as deployed. Keen eyes may spot the WACA Ground in the background !

Fig.2. The transceiver setup. My homebrew SWR meter can also be seen. 

Fig.3. A nice way to spend a summer evening ! The only thing missing was a cup of chai :)

I managed to log 6 FT8 and 1 FT4 contact from this deployment, of which one was to Indonesia and another to Japan. However, the most interesting result was obtained with WSPR. A single round of 20m WSPR yielded 36 spots, which is my personal best. My FT8/FT4/WSPR signals were also getting reported in pskreporter, although I defer the analysis and visualisation with the pskreporter log to a future post.

Fig.5. A single round of WSPR yielded 36 spots. Not bad !

Fig.6. The antenna is definitely radiating RF.

The key takeaway message is that the antenna is definitely working. I also learned a few lessons, listed below.

  1. Have a sturdy power connection, use a barrel plug to crocodile clips straight cable for QDX. 
  2. No more fiddling with SMA connectors in the field. An OSL BNC jig will help calibrating the nanoVNA at the cable end.
  3. The radial system needs to be improved as the radial wire included in the package is probably inadequate. A small aluminium plate at the base of the vertical antenna can act as a common connection point, with a few resonant radial wires attached to it.
  4. Instead of using a Kmart storage box to carry the equipment, use a toolbox style box.



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