
Showing posts from 2018

Digital modes with VUSDR and Quisk

Hello all, VUSDR is a popular TxRx SDR in India. Inspired by Peaberry SDR, it can also be used in Linux machines with Quisk as the software. In this post, I won't go into the details of configuring Quisk for normal SDR. Instead, assuming that it is already done, I shall go into the details of configuring it for digital modes especially configuring for WSJT-X for Ubuntu 16.04. As for normal Quisk configuration, I might blog about it in future. A word of caution ! These steps worked for me, but I cannot guarantee that they will work for you. So let's get started ! First download and install WSJTX from the following link. You can double click and install the .deb file or can use terminal to install. I used the following command to install it (remember to open a terminal and navigate to the folder where the .deb file is present before typing this command) sudo apt install ./wsjtx_1.8.0_amd64.deb Next step is to in...